3x6 Bee- Caretaker of a hive and Bee in a second hive
I made some little zippy bags requested by my daughters
I helped one daughter move and begin refinishing some furniture
I finished my Crazy Nines quilt from last year's Quilt Festival in Houston
I have watched one daughter play volleyball (which means lots of hours in the car and in uncomfortable seats and bleachers)
(she is the one that just blocked that ball!!!!)
and I have been baking, baking, baking! When my daughter went to college, I began taking treat bags to the team every time we went to watch them play. We didn't make every game so when I could go, I always wanted to bake something for them. They have loved it. I can't believe this is the 4th year. She will be finished with volleyball in November and college in May. It has gone by so fast and we have loved every chance to see her play. I have made cinnamon streusel mini-bundt cakes, pumpkin-chocolate chip cookies, Frankenstein cake pops, and mummy-decorated pumpkin bread.
(these were dubbed Franken-Elvis-es) (these mummys will be delivered Saturday-- Shhhhh!)
And I traveled out of town with a family member to a
Dr.'s appointment. WHEW! I really am exhausted. (I do work full-time, too)
Dr.'s appointment. WHEW! I really am exhausted. (I do work full-time, too)
(Oh, and somewhere in there I managed to fix a leaky water filter under the kitchen sink, clean everything under there, bleach the wet wood and wait for 3 days for it to dry. Then I installed new lineoleum tiles and replaced the cleaning supplies I store under there)
It is good to be back, and even though I have been very, very busy, I have done some really fun things. I am not complaining at all, just letting you know where I have been and what I have been up to.
Hope everyone of you have been doing well, and that you will continue to follow me, even though I have been away.
Happy Quilting ;),
Great blocks and what cute zippy bags! Sometimes we all get in a mood where we don't blog for a bit, glad you're back blogging.