Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here I Am!

I am not going to make excuses about where I have been or why I have not posted in a while, but I will tell you a few things I am thankful for:

A new Air Conditioner,
My own bed,
My car,

I am glad to be back and hope to post more regularly from now on.  I have been sewing as much as I can and have some things to show you in a few days.  I am currently putting the finishing touches on my Bowls With Borders for the Bloghop that begins Monday!!  I can't wait to show you what I have been working on and see the projects from all of the wonderful participants.

See you Soon,



  1. I'm excited to see what you've whipped up! :O)

  2. Love your bowls! What great little gifts you made for the kids. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful Job...I will have to buy that pattern!

  4. Fabulous! I love the idea of place mats!

  5. What a great blog hop. Love your bowls.

  6. I like the idea of the placemats. Everyone has something different from their bowls. I shall have to make some!

  7. I like your plain bowls with just a touch of trim accent!

  8. Your bowls on their small stand look like they will topple over. Love the Central Park fabric and the surprise giveaway. If fortunate to win contact at zuzanzap(at)gmail(dot)com.

  9. RosemaryB here:
    Your projects is delightful, and so bright and perky. I love it!
    This is my first blog hop too. I am excited to share on my day :-) This is so fun and I am glad to know you now!
